Top 20 NuGet ios Packages

Bionic Bridge for Ionic's Capacitor Platform APIs
ACR Background Jobs Plugin Autofac Extensions
iOS and Android modular and customizable controls and components for developers
ACR Background Jobs Plugin Autofac Extensions
Cool reveal animation on your Xamarin.Android SwitchView
AdMob integration for Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS (and MonoGame)
Bionic Monitor Service - Live reload service for Blazor/Bionic projects
Android: iOS-like over-scrolling effect applicable over almost all scrollable Android views (RecyclerView, ListView, GridView, ScrollView).
Custom navigation for Xamarin using Reactive Extensions
This package includes Windows.Media.Capture like APIs cross-platform such as: - CameraCaptureUI for providing a full window UI for capturing video and photos from a camera.
Elastic view is a regular CardView, which can flex from user touches
This project is derived directly from the Fingerprint plugin for Xamarin by Sven-Micheal and team, Stube.
Plugin for Xamarin Resx Localization
Rounded Border Entry and Label Plugin for Xamarin Android & iOS
Xamarin Web Api WebApi Plugin