Top 20 NuGet inversion Packages

The microsoft dependency injection integration library for the singularity ioc container
Manage your DbContexts the right way. The persistence or infrastructure layer uses the DbContext (e.g. from a repository). Controlling its scope and transaction lifetime, however, is ideally the reponsibility of the orchestrating layer (e.g. from an application service). This package adds that abil...
Long Running Process Execution in Dotnet. Runs long running processes in the background of your application allowing you to fire and forget any long running processes you may need to execute. Helper elements to get Service Resolution and Dependency Injection available.
ASP.NET integration package for Griffin.Container
WCF integration package for Griffin.Container
A MicroSliver dependency resolver implementation for SignalR.
Dynamo Ioc Extensions provide features like Lambda Registrations and Scoped resolving. It also adds LazyResolve and GetFactory extensions for resolving.
ASP.NET MVC4/WebApi integration package for Griffin.Container. Add "GriffinContainerConfig.Configure();" to global.asax after the installation.
Bare-bones Inversion of Control container
ServiceStack.ContainerAdapter.Unity is a library that enables the Microsoft Unity framework to be used as the ServiceStack Inversion Of Control (IoC) provider.
ASP.NET MVC5 & WebApi2 integration package for Griffin.Container. Add "GriffinContainerConfig.Configure();" to global.asax after the installation.
All interfaces used by ModuleInject.
Common functionality required by ModuleInject.
Lambda Container is a lightweight Inversion of Control (IoC) container suitable for small to medium size .Net solutions. This packages provides a one-line integration with WebApi dependency resolver.
Lambda Container is a lightweight Inversion of Control (IoC) container suitable for small to medium size .Net solutions. This packages provides integration with WebApi combined with Owin.
A library to facilitate Dependency Inversion
Castle Windsor IoC implementation for Hangire.Pipeline
Lightweight IoC container
Collection, Class and Test Case Fixture Dependency Injection for xUnit.