Top 20 NuGet inversion Packages

The Unity Application Block (Unity) is a lightweight extensible dependency injection container with support for constructor, property, and method call injection. It facilitates loosely-coupled design. Declarative configuration and registration by convention are supported on selected platforms. This ...
TypeClassMapper is a basic .NET runtime dependency Type-Class mapping class - Given the runtime dependency management tradition of early design patterns, e.g., Microsoft COM IUnknown::QueryInterface method, this class follows such design tradition and relies on basic equivalent mechanisms from .NET ...
Plugin that adds a ioc container to duality
POM Selenium is a microframework and extensible wrapper for Selenium Webdriver which combines suitable patterns such as Page Object Models + Inversion of Control with Dependency Injection, making web applications testing easy.
The core library for the singularity ioc container
The AspNetCore MVC integration library for the singularity ioc container
A wrapper class for FluentValidation library. Allow to inject a custom validator or the AbstractValidator..
Canister adds functionality to the IServiceCollection including adding all objects of a certain type, automatic registration of types via modules, etc.
Puresharp is a Framework that provides the essential APIs to productively build high quality (.NET 4.5.2+ & .NET Core 2.1+) applications through reliability, scalability and performance without no compromise.
IPuresharp urbanize libraries with strategic private code to lay transparent foundations for Puresharp API .NET
The microsoft dependency injection integration library for the singularity ioc container
The AspNetCore hosting integration library for the singularity ioc container
Simple dependency injection container for .NET
This package contains is a dependency container with the ability to automatically recognize abstractions, as well as concepts.
A simple and portable single file IoC (Inversion of Control) container supporting .NET Standard 2.0.
An inversion of control container framework.
BoC needs some documentation, but contains lots of usefull stuff like -EventAggregator pattern implementation -Inversion of Control wrapper (see other BoC packages like BoC.InversionOfControl.Unity for implementations) -DataContext pattern implementation (see other BoC packages like BoC.Per...
Enterprise Foundation Classes
An opinionated application architecture framework for ASP.NET Core applications which enforces maximized code reuse, separation of concerns, dependency inversion and minimized redundancy.
Appeaser .NET Core DI extension