Top 20 NuGet image Packages

A simple library for normalizing the orientation of images with Exif orientation property data. Normalizes the orientation of images from System.Drawing and images represented by streams.
ImageDiff determines the differences between two images. Generates nice output highlighting where differences are found.
Generate a fake JPG or PNG image in any size between 1 KB and 2 GB for Xunit tests.
Generate a fake JPG or PNG image in any size between 1 KB and 2 GB for MSTest tests.
Generate a fake JPG or PNG image in any size between 1 KB and 2 GB.
Package to store files (Image, PDF, etc)
You can use this tool to optimize local files and online image sources in addition to batch optimization of image folders
Pull docker image without docker installation
Ascii displays any image in console, with full colors. Increase number of console columns for better resolution.
Easy C++ projects configuration with OpenCV SDK