Top 20 NuGet helper Packages

Provides a class for the easy connection to a MsSQL database
Collection of helper functions for interacting with HTTP calls
Net Standard Cache Helper
A simple Asp.Net Core paging tag helper that supports adding custom Url values, styled with Bootstrap 4 and is very easy to use.
# MrMeeseeks Windows This is a project where I'll dump all utility algorithms and data structures for WPF in order to not bloat application-specific code with application-unspecific code and in order to prevent writing same code over and over again. If you find something inte...
Some simple CSV-tools to improve your applications
Provides extension methods for data. This is partial package of main TomLabs.Shadowgem package.
Morgan's CLR Advanced Runtime es un conjunto de funciones, extensiones y módulos que he encontrado útiles a lo largo de mis años de experiencia con lenguajes .Net, particularmente con Visual Basic. Trata de añadir características que no se encuentran fácilmente disponibles en .Net Framework, y ademá...
A library with a number of date related helper functions and extenstions.
Lu Ban Of .Net - .Net 高可用、高效率的扩展组件
Building a FastReport without designer easy way!
EFDatatable is a helper to create a grid with Jquery Datatable and provides an extension to retrive data generically from Entity Framework context. It possible to use many datatable.js features with Tag Helper. It gives serverside or client side options.
Implementation helper for mappers.
The Helper Trinity is a set of helper classes applicable to most any .NET application. Using the classes in this library, you can much more easily validate arguments, raise events, and throw exceptions.
This Assembly contains the core of all functionality reusable.
Helper for UWP apps and libs
A collection of handy classes I use in every freelance Xamarin.Android project now easily accessible in one place.
A jack of all trades and master of none. UtilitySharp provides helper classes with useful and powerful methods for things such as strings, datetimes, randomness, and numbers so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. As such, UtilitySharp strives to be the one library that you will always download fo...
Test helpers for CoreDdd library
helper class for me