Top 20 NuGet git Packages

This libary can generate a version numbers for a git flow repository.
Exposes GIT functionality through observables..
Exposes GIT functionality through observables..
Statiq is a configurable static content generation framework. This library contains modules for interacting with GitHub.
A very simple storage library based on Git
Github webhook handler helper
LibGit2Sharp brings all the might and speed of libgit2, a native Git implementation, to the managed world of .Net and Mono.
A GitHub authentication adapter for Estranged.Lfs.Api.
A BitBucket authentication adapter for Estranged.Lfs.Api.
Git Web Access provides Git Smart-HTTP protocol supports on IIS. It also exposes Git repository in format of OData. Features: * Clone, pull and push through IIS * Leverage ASP.NET Membership for Authentication and Authorization * Expose Git repository through WCF data services / OData protocol ...
NGit is a mechanical port of the Java JGit Library using Sharpen - this library allows you to manipulate Git repositories in C#.
A MSBuild task library for harvesting semantic versioning information from source control tags.
VersionTasks is an MSBuild Tasks library to automatically insert the current repository's changeset into to your project. Supports Git, Mercurial, Team Foundation Server 2010 and Team Foundation Server 2012.
NGit is a mechanical port of the Java JGit Library using Sharpen - this library allows you to manipulate Git repositories in C#.
A git provider for Powershell that helps you to manage and query git repositories in a machine.
Ignore nuget content files in git: - Generate entries in the .gitignore file to exclude nuget content files from the source repository - Restore nuget content files before building (Automatically in VS and manually with a powershell script - Use Initialize-GitIgnore to add it to an existing...
A small and flexible command line utility, that can create releases on GitHub, including setting the release notes, and uploading file assets.
Provide easy access to automatic generated git version string during compile time. Please make sure to keep the following things in mind: - On installation your PreBuildEvent is replaced by a "git describe" command that writes it's output to a file. - Your project must be inside a git repo during t...
Portable and standalone node+npm+git for Front end dev and msbuild integration
Indexes source code from a .pdb files to a Git repository