Top 20 NuGet geometry Packages

Provides extensions for the 2D array, graphs, contour, point transformations. Implements parallel FFT transform. Implements group matching.
Point, Size, Rectangle extensions, Circle, Ellipse, Box2D.
Additional functionality beyond `System.Math` in `MathEx`; generic geometry interfaces and structures (points, lines, rectangles); numeric interfaces and "trait" types for doing arithmetic in generic code; fixed-point structures; 128-bit integer arithmetic. Contributors welcome: looking for things t...
GridMath is a small library for creating and manipulating objects on 2d grid coordinate system.
the ByGeo is from The NTS Topology Suite is an API for modelling and manipulating 2-dimensional linear geometry. It provides numerous geometric predicates and functions. NTS conforms to the Simple Features Specification.
Framework for real-time computer graphics using OpenGL. This framework is created for a university course in computer graphics. Documentation inside the package is incomplete!
Initially developed to provide an easy way to manage Geometry objects with serialization and deserialization functions and transformation functions from/to GeoJson, it also supports GML, georss and Well Known Text (WKT)
Framework for real-time computer graphics using OpenGL. This framework is created for a university course in computer graphics. Documentation inside the package is incomplete!
PostGIS plugin for Npgsql, allowing raw byte access to PostGIS ypes.
The Google S2 Geometry Library is a spherical geometry library, very useful for manipulating regions on the sphere (commonly on Earth) and indexing geographic data. This version targets NET Standard 1.0
A WKT/WKB/EWKT/EWKB parser and serializer.
A 2D spatial math primitives.
Yet another library to manage hexagonal grids. For docs and usage examples please see the GitHub repo.
GridMath is a small library for creating and manipulating objects on 2d grid coordinate system.
2D geometry Library for .Netstandard2.0
GeoJSON for EntityFramework is a .net library that allows you to create GeoJSON output from EntityFramework Spatial Data or WKT inputs. In other words, It serializes different type of geometry objects to GeoJSON. It's not limited to only EF entities but It can serialize WKT inputs as well. Fe...
Epicycle .NET math library. Includes: 2D/3D geometry, polygons, linear algebra, differential geometry, stochastic processes, Kalman filter. * Details & release notes: * Sources:
This package contains a SpatialTrace that enables geometry tracing within the code, and a visualizer to review traces, and debugger visualizers for SqlGeometry and SqlGeography types.
Geometry and mathematical classes for computer graphics