Top 20 NuGet framework Packages

A set of extensions for entity framework classess providing useful functionality, such as update or delete methods for EF Queries, as well as some utility extensions.
Aurelia Framework (aurelia-framework) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Provides boilerplate framework code to map between one object and another without using reflection.
Repository with Entity Framework Core
- CatLib是渐进式的框架,可以无缝和现有框架融合。无论您的项目处于哪个阶段您都可以轻易的接入CatLib。 - CatLib提供的依赖注入方案,可以极大程度的帮助项目解耦。 - CatLib提供了大量可靠,可持续的公共组件,帮助企业降低开发成本。 - 基于MIT协议,企业可以通过CatLib的组件化方案建立私有的公共组件库,积攒公共组件。 - 轻量级的框架,所有的组件都是可以被移除的,您可以只选择适合您的组件。 - 中文文档完善,极低的学习成本。 - 面向接口编程,底层组件无感知替换。
An application framework for Cross-Platform development. The framework provides basic MVVM elements such as base view models for a base view model, list views, page views, and headers. The framework also provides a base model for models with complex properties.
Rabbit link astral contracts implementation
Wide framework allows you to build your application by creating PRISM modules which participate in building the IDE. This way you can modularize the code for each part of your application. For more details:
A lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces.
Componente y contenedor de inyección de dependencia con unity. Este componente puede ser usado en cualquier capa con el proposito de configurar un contenedor de inyeccion de dependencia con Unity.
CouchDBClient is a framework for working with CouchDB from .NET code. It abstracts and simplifies the usage of CouchDB, so that you can easily use it from your application code. All the complexity of working with plain json and http request/responses is burried under the framework. You will be able ...
Ixq.DependencyInjection 依赖注入组件,基于Autofac实现了框架的依赖注入功能。
Content Management Framework