Top 20 NuGet fluent Packages

This NuGet Package is deprecated since the product has been renamed to Telerik Data Access. Please use Telerik.DataAccess.Core instead.
*TestBase* gets you off to a flying start when unit testing projects with dependencies. TestBase-Mvc adds a rich extensible set of fluent assertions for verifying Mvc ActionResults and for easy setup of ControllerContext and HttpContext for both Mvc and WebApi TestBase.Shoulds ------------------- Ch...
This sample demonstrates the use of the Telerik DataAccess Code First (also known as Fluent Mapping) support.
AngularJs/Javascript version of FluentValidation Api
Adapts Json.NET to use custom-created contracts and type naming using fluent syntax.
FluentSharp is an API that dramatically simplifies the use of .NET Framework APIs. This is the FluentSharp NUnit which add a fluent APIs to NUnit and helps with TDD development
FluentSharp is an API that dramatically simplifies the use of .NET Framework APIs. This dll contains the a Fluent API for multiple .NET Web and Network APIS
This dll contains the Cassini WebServer and a fluent API to use it.FluentSharp is an API that dramatically simplifies the use of .NET Framework APIs.
FluentSharp is an API that dramatically simplifies the use of .NET Framework APIs. This is the FluentSharp Moq which simplifies the use of the System.Xml and System.Xml.Linq APIs
This package provides an easy and fluent way to write the boilerplate requirements, exception handling, connection, type mapping, and validation that your code may depend on in order to actually write the business logic you require.
Simplified fluent way for accessing a Redis cache now ThreadSafe by design RedisCacheManager: + GetOrDrill + GetOrDrillLong (30 min) + GetOrDrillShort (10 min) + Overwrite + Poison q: [email protected] [2.0] - RedisCacheInstance for multiple cache server usage [1.5] - Added thread safety v...
A helpful library for configuring and managing NHibernate session factories and sessions
A Consumer package allowing Introducers to submit unsecured applications to Fluent Loans quickly and reliably. Within minutes you can integrate any .NET application to submit applications in real-time.
MyTested.WebApi is a strongly-typed unit testing library providing an easy fluent interface to test the ASP.NET Web API framework. See the project repository and documentation for more information and an overview of the available features.
NUnitLite provides a simple way to run NUnit tests, without the overhead of a full NUnit installation. This package contains a build of the NUnitLite runner for SilverLight 5.0.
A library that use FluentValidation for validation
MyTested.HttpServer is a unit testing library providing easy fluent interface to test remote HTTP servers. See the project repository and documentation for more information and available features.
Adds a unity integration to Fluent Mailer
Module for sending emails via smtp with fluent interface
A library for managing the lifetime of Entity Framework Core DbContext instances. This package is based on the original DbContextScope repository by Mehdi El Gueddari, updated for .NET 6+ and EF Core, with a number of additional improvements and bug fixes.