Top 20 NuGet event Packages

An asynchronous message bus
RabbitMQ.Async is a thin wrapper over the official RabbitMQ.Client library that provide integration with Microsoft TPL
Foundation - Platform abstraction: Eases porting issues of fundamental types, etc. - Memory management: RAII, auto_ptr, reference counting garbage collection, etc. - String utilities - Error handling: Extended exception classes - streams: Encoding and decoding and filtering support - threads: Concu...
Allows you to notify a mobile phone by SMS over provider.
This is an extension to the MouseKeyHook library which allows you to observe keyboard and mouse venets in reactive manner using Rx.Net (System.Reactive) extensions. Persistence Plug-in for Elasticsearch. Includes Event Journal, Snapshot Store, and Query Read Journal. Persistence Plug-in for EventStore. Includes Event Journal, Snapshot Store, and Query Read Journal.
CQELight is a framework that provides tooling layer for helping developpers to get started with Domain Driven Design, Command Query Responsability Segregation and Event Sourcing. It provides abstraction upon major concepts and allow you to create your custom implementation with your tools.
Subscribe UI Event (subscribe-ui-event) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
P Event (p-event) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Event To Promise (event-to-promise) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Event Stream (event-stream) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Event Emitter ES6 (event-emitter-es6) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Event Emitter (event-emitter) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
A simple C# mesh networking library using TCP (with or without SSL) with integrated framing for reliable transmission and receipt of data amongst multiple nodes. Does not support NAT.
ArqueBus is a .Net Standard 2.0 generic open source memory event bus.
A .NET Core microservices messaging platform. Please follow the link to our website for more information.