Top 20 NuGet error Packages

SQL Server ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.
SQLite ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.
SQL Server CE ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.
XML ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.
Zipped XML ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.
A simple and extensible structured logging library built for modern applications.
Harvester - NLog Target
ASP.NET WebForms and MVC integration for Pulsus logging library in .NET 4. This registers the ErrorLoggingModule in the ASP.NET pipeline by using DynamicModuleUtility.RegisterModule(typeof(ErrorLoggingModule)).
Errordite.Client.Log4net extends Errordite to enable the capturing of instrumentation sent to Log4net from your web application, this data is sent along with your errors to Errordite.
Errordite receives all your application exceptions and groups together those that are the same - automatically or with rules you define. You then decide how to progress the errors. You can fix them, ignore them, or wait and see how often the error occurs. This is the MVC4 version which automaticaly ...
Replacement for the yellow screen of death that gives more context
ElmahR IoC module for NInject
ElmahR persistence module for EntityFramework 4
ElmahR persistence module for EntityFramework 5 (NET40)
ElmahR persistence module for EntityFramework 5 (NET45)
Elmah.Persistence.EntityFramework.SqlServerCompact module, to handle dependencies and configuration in order to use a local SqlServerCompact database (.sdf).
Provides simple handling of transient errors that can occur with any network communication. Retries, intervals, mapping and detection can all be fully customized. Built-in handlers are provided for WCF, WebClient, HttpRequest. Supports .NET 4 and later, Silverlight 4 and 5, Windows Store Apps, and ...
BugFreak for MVC3. Easily track your applications errors. More info at
Simple library that allows you to easily create error pages for common HTTP error and application exceptions.
ElmahR Api client for extended ElmahR dashboard using a Nancy endpoint (