Top 20 NuGet entityframework Packages

Tracker-enabled DbContext for EF Core Forked from Enhancements: Avoid multiple selects for one changed entity, add possibility to insert new data to context inside OnAuditLogGenerated event handler
NodaTime support for SQLServer in Entity Framework Core
DbContextScope for EF v2|v3 Core. Forked from
Adds event handling for insert/update/delete events in the EF Core save lifecycle.
Handle database errors easily when working with Entity Framework Core. Catch specific exceptions such as UniqueConstraintException, CannotInsertNullException, MaxLengthExceededException, NumericOverflowException or ReferenceConstraintException instead of generic DbUpdateException Use this package i...
Access Stored Procedures with Code First. Includes support for Input and Output parameters, multiple result sets and Table-valued parameters. V2.1 updates the Table-valued parameter support to a much simpler POCO model, more in keeping with the spirit of Code First / Entity Framework 4.1 ...
Implements an event store using Entity Framework, with event payloads persisted using the configured serializer.
Provides an implementation of the message store pattern using Entity Framework code first
xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.MessageStore.EF
An NLog database target that is configurable via an Entity Framework connection string.
This package contains the platform-specific assemblies for running BrightstarDB using Portable Class Library.
NRepository.EntityFramework is a generic repository library with a strong focus on CQRS.
Oxozle Developer Utility for Identity Framework
This is a clean repository pattern abstraction over Entity Framework that is further layered with Unit of Work pattern. This framework helps you to write clean code which dealing with your entity querying and also allows you to add extended operations to each entity service. The major advantages wou...
Allows an EF6 data context to be used as a data source for Cargo.
Entity Framework 7 persistence layer for IdentityServer4 -Deprecated- Use TwentyTwenty.IdentityServer4.EntityFrameworkCore
Entity Framework Core extension library.
NullDesk Mailer Extension for SQL Server email messsage and delivery history storage using EntityFramework Core