Top 20 NuGet entity Packages

Helper class for running EF Core migrations in a Console app.
Aurochses.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore is a library for ASP.NET Core Identity using Entity Framework Core.
NLQuery: natural language query parser recognizes entities in context of structured sources (like tabular dataset). Can be used for building natural language interface to SQL database or OLAP cube, implementing custom app-specific search.
EntityGenerics Annotations Class Library. Contains annotations required by Entity Generics.
Early preview of some testing helpers for using Moq with Entity Framework.
A simple way to connect your app to a PHP Server.
SimplePersistence.Model.EFCore extends the SimplePersistence.Model package by exposing dedicated Entity Framework Core extension methods and classes.
Extensions to support working with DDDToolkit with Entity Framework Core.
Core set of classes to support development using DDD.
SQLite database provider for Weapsy.Cqrs event store.
PostgreSQL database provider for Weapsy.Cqrs event store.
A Serilog sink for Entity Framework Core
Persistence for EF 6 functionality for any Breeze Server using .NET Core
Entity Framework Core database provider for Incoding Software
Genesys Source Extension cross-platform common-library .NET Core extension methods and extra classes. Genesys Source Framework is a open-source, cross-platform, full-stack .NET solution that centralizes your business objects in one reusable solution.
Genesys Source Framework Web foundation classes for your app, controllers, views and model classes. Genesys Framework is a full-stack .NET solution that centralizes your business objects in one reusable solution that runs in Windows, Web and Mobile..
Genesys Source Framework Web foundation classes for your app, controllers, views and model classes. Genesys Framework is a full-stack .NET solution that centralizes your business objects in one reusable solution that runs in Windows, Web and Mobile..
Kotas utilities - a library for data access via entity framework