Top 20 NuGet dto Packages

Adapter class to allow reading and writing simple and complex POCO objects to azure table storage without inheriting from TableEntity class or implementing ITableEntity interface. POCO class you want to write to table storage can have multiple layers of nested complex properties and can be a struct....
Dummy Package
This library provides a set of tools to enable CRUD rapidly on any aspnetcore Web APIs.
Uses Reflection.Emit to dynamically build data transfer objects based on an interface not a type.
.NET Core library for generating form-url-encoded data from DTOs
Prueba packete
Data Transfer Object para Ganasoft
Objeto de transferencia de datos Ganasoft DTO
DTO Vacuna
A .NET core global tool for converting C# models and DTOs to Javascript
JsonDtoMapper is a tool to convert POCO objects to data transfer objects of JSON format dynamically without the need for intermediate DTO objects.
Package Description
Tool for extract Entity and Dto's from database tables.
Simple mappings from object to object - because I just needed a simple-as-can-be mapping library