Top 20 NuGet dotnetcore Packages

The PPWCode Vernacular Semantics library version IV.
This library includes base cache operations.
This library provides dynamically cache operation for MemCache.
This library provides dynamically cache operation for MemoryCache.
This library provides dynamically cache operation for Redis.
A tiny hack of the System.Private.CoreLib to provide missed Unmanaged EmitCalli implementation at the .NET Standard 2.0 layer. Based on Conari version ======================================= gnt /p:ngpackages="UnmanagedEmitCalli/...
Command-line tools for DotVVM.
Gdal runtime dependencies for Windows. Includes following packages: * hdf4 (4.2.13) * hdf5 (1.10.1) * geos (3.7.0) * proj (4.9.1) * libkml (1.3.0) * netcdf (4.6.1) * sqlite (3.23) * spatialite (4.3.0)
Provides additional assert capabilities for MS Test.
Provides classes for generating email using ASP.NET MVC Razor views.
Provides support for determining framework versions, IIS version and feature detection.
Provides common data annotation attributes.
Provides static classes for representing program contracts as preconditions in a way that's compatible with System.Diagnostics.Contracts.
Actor model framework for .net
Migrate data to ClickHouse
dotnet core api for waves platform crypto currency
Rene.Utils is a set of useful utilities and extensions of recurrent usage
A command-line tool that enables Salesforce Access and Refresh Tokens Generation.