Top 20 NuGet dotnet-core Packages

SendGrid email sender for ServiceBase.Notification.Email
SMTP email sender for ServiceBase.Notification.Email
Fornece todos os recursos necessários para o spidering de aplicações web.
Provides a pattern matching mechanism for C#.
A .NET Core client library for Firebase
This is a small Helper for consuming strong typed json config files from a path.
Cryptography library for Paseto.Core
Generic Entity Framework repository
Common bits and parts for building web services
Tools for working with pages of objects
Tools for working with Configuration
Template for basic Routable application using Kestrel
Provides an api proxy route to an ASP.NET Core app.
Orleans Interface .NET Standard Project Template
SASL client library
This release has the ability to scaffold out an entire .NET Core project with Aurelia CLI. This will help streamline the Aurelia build process and enable rapid development in an integrated environment. You can generate a full fledge secure application with the --secure true option on top of all...
This .NET Core global tool provides the awslocal command, which is a thin wrapper around the aws command line interface for use with LocalStack.
The package adds interception to the default dependency injection container based on Castle DynamicProxy.
The Twilio Provider for TakNotify library