Top 20 NuGet di Packages

SereneApi.Interfaces.PayPal adds DI support for PayPal and its supporting APIs and DTOs.
Injectify implementation using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection package.
Injectify implementation using Autofac package.
LightCore is a lightweight dependency injection container which can be used as a service locator, too. Despite its simplicity and its lightness there are lots of features to explore. The library was written in C# for .NET 3.5 and above, with an eye on simplicity and clean code (Clean Code Develope...
An implementation of the Common Service Locator interface using the Munq IOC Container. 3.1.5 Changes dependency to Munq.IocContainer 3.1.5 to fix Request Lifetime instance issue. All packages same version. 3.1.3 Fixes the dependency version for CommonServiceLocator 3.1.2 Implements IDis...
An implementation of the DependencyResolver for ASP.NET MVC3. Includes startup code. 3.1.5 - Changes dependency to Munq.IocContainer 3.1.5 to fix Request Lifetime instance issue. All packages same version.
All credit goes to the NH team and others (i.e. LinFu) for the code base. This is just a modification of their code to enable constructor DI and emit verifiable code.
Using Unity to inject various settings from Azure Configuration file
UnityExportAttribute class is automatically registered in the UnityContainer. And inteception configuration is attribute.
A MicroSliver dependency resolver implementation for SignalR.
Plug-in for FluentFactory. Integrates Ninject IoC to the factory and provides fluent API for getting dependencies.
Unity extension to add IoC support to Workflow Foundation
Provides an Autofac enabled bootstrapper for Caliburn.Micro.
The Drill.DrillBits.Autofac package contains the Drill.DrillBits.Autofac assembly which is used to integrate Autofac into Drill as a DrillBit component.
The Drill.DrillBits.StructureMap package contains the Drill.DrillBits.StructureMap assembly which is used to integrate StructureMap into Drill as a DrillBit component.
The Drill.DrillBits.Unity package contains the Drill.DrillBits.Unity assembly which is used to integrate Microsoft's Unity DI container into Drill as a DrillBit component.
The Drill.Integration.CommonServiceLocator package contains the Drill.Integration.CommonServiceLocator assembly which is used to adapt Drill to Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.IServiceLocator interface.
The Drill.Integration.Web package contains the Drill.Integration.Web assembly which is used to integrate Drill into ASP.NET applications and provide resolution of System.Web.HttpContextBase.