Top 20 NuGet database Packages

Database abstractions library for Incoding Framework
A slim yet powerful ORM layer.
Super Admin Functions For backing up database, restoring it as well as creating new db, Updated in VS
Performs convertion, cleaning and transformation operations over database files.
KORM.MsAccess is fast, easy to use, micro .NET ORM tool for MsAccess. (Kros Object Relation Mapper)
DbShell - all available assemblies. Library for work with databases - obbtain structure, export, import data
Web client implementation for UChainDB
General JsonRpc implementation for UChainDB
Cryptography library for UChainDB
Base contracts for UChainDB
A tiny helper library for creating database integration tests
Cryptography library of EcDsa Secp256k1 for UChainDB
A interface for implementing caching and storage of objects by their hash, a specialized key/value store for any object that implements `CryptLink.SigningFramework.IHashable`.
A class library that allows you to point to a database and represent the complete schema with columns, relationships (including fk names and multiplicity) in a simple object hierarchy. Some use cases require a schema of a database without the bulk of Entity power tools or Entity Framework. This cl...
A dapper extension library. Support MySQL,SQL Server,PostgreSQL,SQLite,Oracle and ODBC, Support cache.
Injects values into config files directly or via environment variables. Can inject app settings, connection strings, or WCF client endpoints.
A MongoDb repository pattern implementation.
This provides a MVVM layer for Xamarin forms Tools extensions View models abstraction Error management Navigation VM to VM IoC registration