Top 20 NuGet database Packages

Ever wanted to use a flat-file NOSQL database? Here you'll find a repository-pattern-like IOC-ready set of tools, (among others), to give you this esoteric functionality
Component for easy access to Oracle database. Receives data into DataSet, DataTable or DataRow objects
A view model base class that retrieves, saves, and deletes a record in a database table. Use with RingSoft.DbLookup.EfCore.
SQL Extent
Memurai is a Redis-7.0-compatible cache and data store for Windows. It’s designed to provide the reliability and performance demanded by enterprise Windows environments. Just like Redis, Memurai uses an in-memory data set to achieve great performance at scale, and Memurai supports all the Redis fea...
Strongly opinionated database abstraction layer with simple object mapping (not an ORM)
Simple Lightweight Data Searching Library. SLiDS can be used for quick access to data. Data can be placed in an SQL database or memory (Runtime). It is also possible to cache data from an SQL database in memory.
A Data Access Layer for Sage MAS 500
Query builder for the Cassandra database
Librería para utilizar Entity Framework para el acceso a datos.
XGENO.DBHelpers is a simple, easy-to-use and powerful OR Mapper for your database queries. It is set of extension methods (on the SQL Connection), which execute a SQL query (simple, parameterized, stored procs etc.) and return the data as a list of .NET objects (POCO classes that you have created). ...
Exposes two log writer methods (one sync and one async) for persisting rich log rows into an Ms Sql database. This can be used in conjunction with the MethodResultWrapper.Core nuGet package.
SQLite-specific database functionality
SQL Server-specific database functionality
MySQL-specific database functionality
PostgreSQL-specific database functionality
Extensions to the Neo4j.Driver to make it a bit easier to use.
BinaryRage - the ultra fast .NET key/value store. - BinaryRage is designed to be a lightweight ultra fast key/value store for .NET with no dependencies - It's production-ready - already in several large production-environments - Supports complex objects out of the box (and lists of objects) - 100% ...