Top 20 NuGet database Packages

Writes MySqlConnector logging output to Microsoft.Extensions.Logging with one line of code.
Handle database errors easily when working with Entity Framework Core. Catch specific exceptions such as UniqueConstraintException, CannotInsertNullException, MaxLengthExceededException, NumericOverflowException or ReferenceConstraintException instead of generic DbUpdateException
Handle database errors easily when working with Entity Framework Core. Catch specific exceptions such as UniqueConstraintException, CannotInsertNullException, MaxLengthExceededException, NumericOverflowException or ReferenceConstraintException instead of generic DbUpdateException
NDbUnit for Sql Server targets; NDbUnit is a framework for managing database state during data-dependent unit tests
NHibernate is a mature, open source object-relational mapper for the .NET framework. This package enables the ability to use lazy-loading with Castle dynamic-proxy.
A library for serializing ADO.NET DataTables and DataReaders into an efficient, portable binary format. Uses Marc Gravell's Google Protocol Buffers library, protobuf-net.
XML-based Mocking adapter for the Simple.Data data access library.
SQL Server Compact 4.0 ADO provider for the Simple.Data data access library.
BrightstarDB is a fast and scalable NoSQL database for .NET with code-first data model generation. This package installs the BrightstarDB libraries and the text template for generating a BrightstarDB Entity Framework context class.
A Jet (Microsoft Access) driver for NHibernate, from the NHibernate.Contrib project. The source code for the NuGet package can be found here:
A cross-platform, fully asynchronous fork of the popular PetaPoco micro-ORM. Supports SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and SQL Server CE. Runs on .NET Framework (4.5 and above), .NET Core (1.0 and 2.0), Mono, Xamarin (iOS, Mac, and Android), and UWP.
An out-of-the-box Web API for invoking database stored procedures, transforming the results as JSON, BSON, JSONP, XML, CSV, Excel xlsx, or any text generated by Razor dynamic template. Please visit for detail.
This package contains Telerik.OpenAccess.Web.dll targeted for .Net 2.0/3.5 projects
Written over MySql.Data, a simpiler way to use MySql in .NET Standard. Allows easy database connection and reading queried results while maintaining the disposable objects and providing access to all default MySql.Data objects.
Linqdb - server client version for Windows any cpu
Document database and search engine with a CLI management studio.
This DatabaseCommand is a set of components helping C# developers to execute SQL Queries and to retrieve data from SQL Server, Oracle, SQLite, ... It is a light and pragmatic framework that contains only the essential classes needed to create SQL query strings, define parameters and transaction, and...
The powershell utility contains a set of cmdlets that allow users to execute generators for code generation purpose.
Multiple database universal access interface