Top 20 NuGet dapper Packages

Package Description
SQL Server implementation of Dapper.CX, a lightweight, feature-rich CRUD library
Essence.EntityFrameworkCore provides extensions to the Entity Framework Core for Audits and more. Continually updated with new features and bugfixes as necessary, commercially supported from Cedita.
SQL Server crud service for .NET Core apps
Dapper.FastCrud is built around essential features of the C# 6 / VB that have finally raised the simplicity of raw SQL constructs to acceptable maintenance levels. These features leave no chance to mistypings or problems arising from db entity refactorings. Visual Studio 2015 or later is recommend...
A generic implementation of Dapper, a high performance Micro-ORM supporting SQL Server, MySQL, Sqlite, SqlCE, Firebird etc...
VenturaSQL is the 3-tier SQL framework for C# projects where database access and web services are integrated into a single solution.
A dapper extension library. Support MySQL,SQL Server,PostgreSQL,SQLite,Oracle and ODBC, Support cache.
This DatabaseCommand is a set of components helping C# developers to execute SQL Queries and to retrieve data from SQL Server, Oracle, SQLite, ... It is a light and pragmatic framework that contains only the essential classes needed to create SQL query strings, define parameters and transaction, and...
SqlKata + Dapper + Canducci Wrapper Extensions
The ExtCore.Data.Dapper extension component. Based on the ExtCore framework.
A dapper data extension for the Reportr framework.
Micro-ORM extension for Dapper, offering repositories (CRUD & LINQ) and relation mappings (OneToMany, ManyToOne).
More powerful and testable inline SQL used with Dapper
The Bux.Data.Dapper extension component. Based on the Bux framework.
Dapper extensions for ASP.NET Core