Top 20 NuGet cryptography Packages

Provides .NET AES CTS CBC Implementation.
Provides complementary cryptographic functions to .NET Framework such as AES CTS, NFold, LCM, GCD, MD4, and bit rotations.
.NET 2 framework library to compute the Fowler–Noll–Vo hash. Documentation available at: Issues and bug tracker available at: NuGet package avai...
Utils for .NET applications + Serializers for object to JSON and XML + Object Binder for NameValueCollection to Object + Safe converter for any object type to another object type + Regular Expression patterns for many string format + Extension methods for some actions + Hash utils for crypto + File...
Encryption and decryption of texts using Vigenere Cipher.
Standardized cross platform library (cryptography, dynamic sql, JSON serializing and more.
Easy-to-use API wrapping .NET's (cryptographically secure) RNGCryptoServiceProvider.
Keyczar dotnet management Tool
A .NET Library that does Linear Feedback Shift Registers.
Lightweight cryptography helpers for .NET Framework to make cryptography operations easier.
This package contains helpers to work with cryptography.
Web helper pack for Variel Creatives
AES Symmetric Key Cryptography
A library containing simple substitution cipher encoding, decoding, and breaking functions.
Internal package
The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), also known by its original name Rijndael .
A very simple library that encrypts and decrypts using a string key. The ICrypter is provided in case the implementor wants to create a different set of encryption and decryption algorithms, and would like to use a cryptography service in Core's DI in an application.
.NET Standard 2.0 implementation of HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function, defined in RFC 5869
Free and flexible cryptography library.Use singletone implementation.