Top 20 NuGet cors Packages

Enable CORS Authentication for a WebAPI project
This library will automatically proxy CORS requests (Cross-origin resource sharing) if IE9 or below is used. The proxy is integrated in ASP.NET and works with all ASP.NET libraries like WebForms, Mvc and WebApi. jQuery is used at the client side.
Tiny javascript library written to send in-browser http requests either GET, POST or using any other HTTP supported method. It can help in scenarios like auto-login & others. What it actually does (by default) is opens up a new tab (in most cases) for the provided URL with the data parameters as if...
MvcWebApiCors is a small library for .NET MVC 4 which sets the response headers correctly to allow Cross Origin Resource Sharing. You don't have to upgrade to MVC 5, you don't have to upgrade to Visual Studio 2013 and you definitely don't have to have IE10!
PCL ToolBelt for Applications
A library for .NET websites which provides configurable site-wide CORS request handling.
Extends Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors and allows AllowsAnyOrigin and AllowsCredentials features to be used together.