Top 20 NuGet converter Packages

Base library to use Metroit.
Base library to use Metroit.
A library to convert a dictionary out of a given object or an object out of a dictionary.
Winnovative HTML to PDF Library for .NET Core x64 can be easily integrated your applications targeting .NET Core or .NET Standard to create PDF documents from HTML pages and strings. The library can also be used to convert HTML to images, convert HTML to SVG, create, edit and merge PDF documents. T...
PosInformatique.MSBuild.Yaml is a MSBuild extension that converts YAML files into a JSON before the compilation of a Visual Studio project (C#, VB. NET, ...).
A library to convert different temperature types. A collection of dotnet extension methods for the following types: * int * long * float * double * string Benchmark details can be found at the following link: https:/...
ExpertPDF Pdf Creator SDK is a full featured .NET pdf library. It offers enhanced HTML to PDF conversion capabilities, RTF to PDF conversion, PDF merge and split, PDF encryption and digital signatures, bookmarks, and many more. General features - Add texts and image elements to the PDF documents ...
Maps from one object type to another, including collections, with optional override properties. This is convenient to avoid code duplication when for example converting business objects to DTOs. This is an extremely lightweight library that does one thing and does it well.
SelectPdf Online REST API is a professional solution for managing PDF documents online. The API is easy to use and the integration takes only a few lines of code. The generated PDFs are perfect. That makes SelectPdf API the best html to pdf online service that can be used. SelectPdf HTML To PDF O...
This library contains several useful classes: - ColorConverter RgbToHex RgbToCmyk RgbToHsv RgbToHsl RgbToXyz RgbToYuv RgbToYiq HexToRgb HexToCmyk HexToHsv HexToHsl HexToXyz HexToYuv HexToYiq CmykToRgb CmykToHex CmykToHsv CmykToHsl CmykToXyz CmykToYuv CmykToYiq HsvToRgb HsvToHex HsvToCmyk HsvToHsl ...
Containts strongly-typed base classes for Value Conversion in WPF (IValueConverter interface - full binding support).
WPF Конвертеры
Convert .coverage (binary format) files to .coveragexml (xml format) files to support SonarCloud Code Coverage when using VSTest@2.
A simple package to convert DateTime's and TimeSpan's to pretty time.
[.Net Standard 2.0] Provides functionality to flatten complex objects into EntityProperty dictionary and functionality to recompose original complex object from the flattened property dictionary. One usage is that the API allows writing any complex object with nested properties into Azure CosmosDb T...
Adds converters for the Model Persistence of DynamoDB.
Wkhtmltopdf cross-platform C# wrapper for .NET Core.
Unix time stamp converter for Json.NET
MediaToolkit is a .NET library which can convert and process audio and video files. Functionality: - Grab thumbnails from videos - Cut / split videos - Convert video files into various other video formats. - Perform video transcoding tasks. - Set bit rate - Set frame rate - Set resolut...
QuickConverter provides you with WPF markup that allows you to write inline converters and multi-bindings using a C# like language directly in your xaml.