Top 20 NuGet converter Packages

Relm is a lightweight nuget package used to alter your images or byte arrays. Crop your image, change its size and type or compress them to save disk space.
Converter from/to any type to String. NLog inside to provide errors.
Integer to Boolean converter for Json.NET
.NET Standard 2.0 library with helpers to convert your POCO objects to Azure Table Storage objects of type `ITableEntity` or `DynamicTableEntity` and vice versa. It supports saving complex classes by converting not natively supported property types into JSON strings. There is no need to have dedic...
A library that contains functions to aid database operation.
A library that contains functions to aid database operation.
C# to TypeScript interface Convert library. You can convert from dll file or assembly. You can select extraction conditions and conversion methods.
A collection of IValueConverter for UWP apps.
A Package with Converters for Newtonsoft.Json.
Provides MessagePackConverter for CloudStructures.
A simple .NET Standard 2.0 library to convert CSV data to AVRO files, when accompanied by a known schema that describes the field names and data types in the source CSV data.
Bunch of useful XAML converters for Xamarin Forms
Core utility functions for datetime formater
Interfaces for KsWare Presentation Framework. Supports .Net 5.0/6.0, Core 3.1 and .Net 4.7.2
A converter for the Steam VDF format.
A small, short and direct library to serialize and parse fixed length content.
Excel Tools Dependency Injection
Allows use of paths with the JsonPropertyAttribute. Now you can deserialize a nested object more easily.