Top 20 NuGet command Packages

Cliente de linea de comandos para los workshops de netschool :)
You can use this tool to optimize local files and online image sources in addition to batch optimization of image folders
Softmake All Command Line Interface. Através da instalação dos pacotes SoftmakeAll.SDK.Fluent é possível administrar 100% dos recursos da plataforma via linha de comando. Extremamente útil para automatizar processos em nível de sistema operacional.
A minimal VNC server and client application.
Library with most used reactive elements, like property, command and sheduled value checker.
This library allows our fellow programmers to easily parse some command line arguments without having spend hours reading the documentation. SimpleArgParse is inspired by the python module 'argparse' and was created due to the lack of easy-to-use argument parsers.
Helpers for CQRS + DDD + ES implementation
Abstractions for fckrest.aspcore.ced
An extension package which contains validation abstractions and common types
Build sql query using C# objects and Lamda expression