Top 20 NuGet client Packages

Security Management for Asp.Net Core projects.
The GRPC client API for managing Event Store Projections. Get the open source or commercial versions of Event Store server from
The GRPC client API for Event Store Persistent Subscriptions. Get the open source or commercial versions of Event Store server from
The GRPC client API for Event Store Operations, e.g., Scavenging. Get the open source or commercial versions of Event Store server from
The .NET implementation of Sailthru Client.
Enferno Storm Commerce API Client library.
Contains implementations shared between the client and server.
A fully-asynchronous client for the GoCardless API that aims to improve upon the developer experience of the official GoCardless client.
JavaScripts functional programming helper library.
LicenseManager - WPF client library.
Library to consume REST APIs following Lacuna Software's REST pattern
Common classes for ImageVault
Integrate with Azure DevOps Server 2022 and Azure DevOps Services from desktop-based, ASP.NET, and other Windows applications. Provides access to the Release Service via public REST APIs.
This client library provides access to the Microsoft Cognitive Services ComputerVision APIs.
MSBuild tasks and targets for code generation This package was built from the source code at
This package builds on the DataStax Enterprise C# driver and DataStax C# Driver for Apache Cassandra, adding a metrics provider implementation using App Metrics.
The client module for a simple SSL or non-SSL Tcp Client with authentication.
The server module for an easy to use and heavily customizable Tcp layer for N-Tier architecture.
The client module for an easy to use and heavily customizable Tcp layer for N-Tier architecture.
The server and client modules for an easy to use and heavily customizable Tcp layer for N-Tier architecture.