Top 20 NuGet certificate Packages

A high level abstraction over the Windows Certificate store, providing a simplified access model and informative exceptions to aid developers working with X.509 Certificates and the Windows Certificate Store.
A convenient signing and hashing framework, anything you can serialize, you can hash and sign. Allows for partial class hashing and custom implementations. Also provides a IComparable byte[] wrapper for efficient comparison and sorting.
PFX Tool - Does stuff with and around PFX certificates.
PFX Tool - Does stuff with and around PFX certificates.
Useful (most of) extensions (most of), targeting .net7, c#
Warden watcher for SSL certificates
A library to generate TLS certificates for development purposes.
Expands client certificate validation using a certificate store. Also provides a UI for managing the certificate store.
X509 Certificate Based Protected Configuration Provider for Configuration Encryption
Bitifier.RsaEncryption simplifies encryption of secrets using RSA and X509 certificates.
Adds the Expect-CT header which allows sites to opt in to reporting and/or enforcement of Certificate Transparency requirements.
Biblioteca para leitura de certificados digitais padrão ICP-Brasil em .NET. Retorna os dados dos certificados tipos eCNPJ e eCPF.
Codesign utility to automate code signing with hardware token based certificates
A simple and easy to use http client with support for all request methods and certificate pinning
Free dotNetCore library for digitaly sign pdf files with X509 certificates. This library is a dot net core wrapper on JSignPdf java application.
Tool to generate a new free Let's Encrypt certificate for specifis domains. You must install it manually in Azure (go to your [App Service / TLS/SSL settings] section. The generated certificate will be store in a ./store folder.
Dotnet tool for Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) protocol, powered by Certes. Fixed http-01 challenge.
PFX Tool - Does stuff with and around PFX certificates.