Top 20 NuGet capture Packages

VisioForge Video Capture SDK Kinect 2 package. Samples - .
VisioForge Video Capture SDK Kinect package. Samples - .
Contains classes and methods to handle video sources using FFMPEG. For this reason, this package is available under the GPL license only. This package originated from the AForge.NET Framework and is part of the Accord.NET Framework.
Contains classes and methods to handle video sources using DirectShow interface (USB web cameras, capture devices, video files). This package originated from the AForge.NET Framework and is part of the Accord.NET Framework.
Contains classes and methods to handle video sources using FFMPEG. For this reason, this package is available under the GPL license only. This package originated from the AForge.NET Framework and is part of the Accord.NET Framework.
A cross platform wrapper for MediaCapture on iOS and Android
MySQL/MariaDB binlog change data capture (CDC) connector for .NET
Use GrabzIt to take PDF, DOCX, Video, rendered HTML or image screenshots of websites. The screenshots are highly customizable options include altering quality, delay, size, browser type, geographic location and much more. You can even convert HTML directly into images, DOCX documents, PDF's, videos...
Contains an interface to control and capture images from Microsoft Kinect devices. This package originated from the AForge.NET Framework and is part of the Accord.NET Framework.
Contains classes to read and write AVI video files using Video For Windows. This package originated from the AForge.NET Framework and is part of the Accord.NET Framework.
Contains classes which allow capturing images from XIMEA cameras. This package originated from the AForge.NET Framework and is part of the Accord.NET Framework.
Video converter component for C#/.NET (wrapper for ffmpeg command line tool). Can convert video/audio files, transcode live streams, extract video thumbnails, apply watermarks to video, screen capture etc - everything that is possible with ffmpeg from the command line. Supports .NET streams for inpu...
Headers and static libraries for FFmpeg (LGPL build).
EmguFFmpeg with OpenCvSharp extension.
EmguFFmpeg with System.Drawing.Bitmap expansian (netstandard2.0) MediaFrame and Bitmap convert to each other
An extension for FakeItEasy which allows for capturing arguments sent to a fake.
This package implements the text capture capabilities of the Scandit Data Capture SDK for Xamarin.
A packet scanner for FFXIV.