Top 20 NuGet benchmark Packages

CodeJam.PerfTests.Nunit provides NUnit support for BenchmarkDotNet-driven performance tests.
.NET extensions and helpers for LINQPad.
Windows only. Adds performance counter support to NBench measurements.
Measure Execution Time Realtime Online - UI
CodeJam.PerfTests.Core is a core infrastructure package that enables BenchmarkDotNet-driven performance tests.
Performance Benchmarking for .NET
SimpleSpeedTester is a simple, easy to use framework that helps you speed test your .Net code by taking care some of the orchestration for you. It should NOT be confused with a performance profiler such as JetBrains' dotTrace or RedGate's ANTS profiler. The SimpleSpeedTester is intende...
A base class library to add useful extensions to .NET, like messanging, LINQ expression parser and extension methods, Task Parallel Library helpers, type auto-mapping for storage and benchmark.
.NET extensions and helpers for types in System.Core.
A lightweight library for benchmarking performance of your .NET applications. BenchShark provides a powerful and easy to use API to evaluate the speed of your functions in order to track down the bottlenecks within your code.
A lightweight performance benchmark tool published by Etimo The key points are: - Lightweight and simple to use, for individual component benchmarking or for comparing different components - Supports specifying nested groups of delegates to be benchmarked hierarchically and ...
Assembly containing methods to support benchmarking speed and memory consumption of .Net code.
HttpLoadTesting http load generator web client
Benchmark .NET source code to compare which is more efficient.
Measure Execution Time Realtime Online
Fast & Easy to use library to generate data sets according to given constraints (mathematican programming models).
BenchmarkDotNet Templates
Unchase Fluent Performance Meter is an open-source and cross-platform .Net Standart 2.0 library is designed for the method’s performance measurement.
A simple to use framework for setting up benchmarks and visualizing results in real time.