Top 20 NuGet automation Packages

AFrame is a common automation framework built ontop of Selenium for Web Apps, Microsoft CodedUI for Desktop Apps and Appium for Mobile Apps. Utilizing the page object pattern and many others, AFrame gives your automation scripts the ability to be maintainable, flexible, and relia...
Friendly for Store apps. You have to install Codeer.Friendly.Store.Core before use. This is a magical library! Codeer.Friendly’s unique feature is being able to operate on all objects. (Other libraries can only operate controls.) It can invoke all methods, properties, and field...
Implementation of certain controls for the Kendo UI library.
ConDep is a highly extendable Domain Specific Language for Continuous Deployment, Continuous Delivery and Infrastructure as Code on Windows. This package contians all the default operations found in ConDep. For additional operations, look for ConDep.Dsl.Operations.Contrib.
This NuGet package adds an 'OvermanGroup.OctoPack.props' file to your project so that you can easily configure MSBuild properties for OctoPack within your Visual Studio project.
This is a simple example of a GUI test case with OpenKeyWord.
Adds an authorization layer to ViewBuilding so that only authorized content is displayed
A cross platform mobile framework for automating acceptance tests
A starter package paired with Joyride.Specflow to quickly get you up and running
X10 Home Automation library for .NET Features - Supports both *CM11* and *CM15* hardware - Event driven - Hot plug - Automatically restabilish connection on error/disconnect - Compatible with Mono
Octopus Deploy is an automated deployment tool powered by NuGet. OctoPackPlus.DBDeploy provides deployment management of databases, in a manor that is supported by Octopus Deploy. This package provides: ● Grouping of SQL scripts (ex: one script for CREATE DB, one for CREATE OBJECTS, one for securi...
Operate standard web controls by selenium.
Octopus Deploy is an automated deployment tool powered by NuGet. OctoPack adds a post-build activity to your Visual Studio project, so that an Octopus-compatible NuGet package is produced in the Bin directory whenever a Release build completes. OctoPackPlus.Core abstracts the OctoPack settings and ...
The SmartAPI can reduce development cost upto 40% for any Dot Net projects. Developers do not need to write any code for API. This API can handle all CRUD operations by simply decorating the DTO object. Click on Project Site link to get Step by Step implementation guide.
.Net Robot Framework Integration
Pask extension that provides NuGet functionality to create and publish a package.
SSAK - Selenium Specflow Automation Kit Provides Code Wrappers To Ease The Automation QA Process. SSAK Aims To Bridge The Gap between Test Engineers And Code Experts With Underlying Implementation. Professor MMS Mission Is To "Provide A Pragmatic Effective Approach To Automation Development By Optim...
Pask extension that provides test automation functionality with code coverage reports generated by dotCover.
Pask extension that provides database migration functionality using FluentMigrator.
Marquee is an open source, Selenium based, UI Automation library written in F#.