Top 20 NuGet aspnetcore Packages

Persistence provider for AspNetCore DataProtection keys in ArangoDB
.Net Core EF Core Extension
Add centralized structured logging to ASP.NET Core applications using NLog.
EFCore extension for MiCake
MiCake's quick start package. Contains EFCore extension,AspNetCore extension,Audit,JWT token and more.
AspNetCore extension for MiCake
Azure Monitor (Application Insights) integrations for ActiveLogin.Authentication.BankId.AspNetCore.
A Filtering framework. The main purpose of the library is to generate LINQ expressions for Entities over DTOs automatically.
Esquio components and services for Blazor Wasm.For more information see
Device detection for ActiveLogin.Authentication.BankId.AspNetCore using UA Parser.
Provides additional support for working with ASP.NET Core, including TagHelpers, View Location Expanders, support for IMetadataAware, and rendering enumerated types as SelectLists based on a UiHint attribute.
Triggers for EF Core. Respond to changes in your ApplicationDbContext before and after they are committed to the database
ASP.NET Core rate limiting middleware
An AspNet core middleware toolkit to create proxy servers. Can be embedded in applications or used as a standalone proxy.
Provides additional ASP.NET Core TagHelpers.