Top 20 NuGet aspnet Packages

StackExchangeRedisOutputCacheProvider for AspNetCore.CacheOutput package
Middleware to expose an embedded version of the swagger-ui 3 from an ASP.NET Core application
A simple, no-drama, reCAPTCHA validation library that works with ASP.NET Core, Razor Pages, MVC 5, and WebForms.
Templates for ASP.NET Core Blazor without any js and css libraries.
Allows consumers to easily convert HTML strings to PDF using the `IHtmlToPdfConverter` interface.
Allows consumers to easily convert strings to Markdown using the `IMarkdownConverter` interface. This package is the abstractions of a simple markdown converter: IMarkdownConverter. See ForEvolve.Markdown for implementations.
ASPNET package for ChustaSoft.Tools.Authorization project configuration in AspNet projects
PostgreSQL database provider for the SnapObjects ORM (SnapObjects.Data).
Dynamicweb 9 package containing MVC components
Providers and dependencies for web tracking
Extensions of ForEvolve.OperationResults ASP.NET Core. Adds support for ProblemDetails and includes a ModelBinderErrorActionFilter.
Smart container library depenency injection extensions
An implementation of HMAC for ASP.NET Core
Based on MS code for adding Unity based DI for Asp.Net WebForms.
Extends Swashbuckle 2.18.7 with added error handling
AspNetCore integration for Identifiers with DependencyInjection integration
A full-featured starter template for "dotnet new" to quickly scaffold a .Net 8 Web-Api project with MongoDB as the data store.
The .NET DataStore is a pure C# implementation of DataWindow technology and compatible with cloud native architecture. It supports many relational databases, including Adaptive Server Enterprise, SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Anywhere, etc. This package is for use by Appeon customers with appl...
Storm framework for API with aspnet core