Top 20 NuGet Packages

Abstractions for the PushServer framework for ASP.NET Core 2. Commonly used types: IPushConfigurationManager IPushProvider
A push notification framework for ASP.NET Core 2. It extends a web application with the capability to manage push subscriptions and send notifications to users. In a modular approach different push providers like Web Push or Azure Notification Hubs can be added. Its extensible design allows to plugi...
some tools for fast developing back-end.
Provides various classes that assist with ASP.NET Core 2 development.
This assembly is a part of the Ultimate Doc Expert package ( It lets you convert Word files to PDF documents.
It lets you perform Tracert right within your .NET apps. The library can be used in .NET, .NET Standard, Xamarin iOS, Android, Mac, CF, and Uwp.
Supports the Network Time Protocol (RFC-1305). Supports the Time Protocol (RFC-868). Supports the Daytime Protocol (RFC-867). Supports conversion between NTP time and .NET time. Supports both SNTP (version 3) and NTP(version 4). Provides access to all NTP packet fields. The library can be used in .N...
Simple way to programmatically generate text output from source templates, variables and .NET APIs. The library can be used in .NET, .NET Standard, Xamarin iOS, Android, Mac, CF, and Uwp.
Lookup for Resource Records - Host name to A Record (IP address), MX Record, etc. The library can be used in .NET, .NET Standard, Xamarin iOS, Android, Mac, CF, and Uwp.
This is awesome library for Service Bus with MassTransit RabbitMq for microservices
Alpha version that still requires (a) updated code comments, (b) updated wiki documentation, and (c) completed sample solution
.NET library for API response handling and logging
Compatibility layer for ASP.NET Core WebHost
NetStandard2.0 and NetCoreApp2.2 Utilities for Crud API System - Unit Of Work Interface: should be referenced only by API project for Commit and Rollback actions.
A simple C# implementation of the Unit of Work pattern for use with IDbConnection, as well a Saga implementation for orchestrating transactions across domains.
Lightweight package for easily paging through any IEnumerable/IQueryable in .NET Core Mvc Web Application.
GraphiQLAuth available as middleware for ASP.NET Core