Top 20 NuGet Packages

Express Global exception handler integrates seamlessly into your .NET Core API project and provides error response in http response. It includes and uses a standard API response schema that your application can use on any endpoint.
A simple Asp.Net Core paging tag helper that supports adding custom Url values, styled with Bootstrap 4 and is very easy to use.
WebMarkupMin.AspNet.Common is auxiliary package, that contains classes and interfaces for all ASP.NET extensions.
A JavaScript free Toast library for Blazor and Razor Components applications.
A simple middleware built on reflection designed to support your Search Engine Optimized (SEO) app by dynamically creating a Sitemap.xml and Robots.txt. This package is designed to be very simple for simple use cases but allows for custom disallowed routes, user agents, and custom node endpoints by ...
Package Description
EntityFrameworkCore plugin for the lightweight and flexible Repository / UnitOfWork framework.
Middleware component which allows using custom response header values.
Creates a simple ready to go Telegram Bot using Telegram.Bot
ASP.NET Healthcheck extensions for MinIO .NET SDK.
[Experimental] Add support for OperationResults to the Vertical Slice pipeline.
This package provides an ASP.NET Core Tag Helper to help toggle the rendering of markup in a Razor View based on the Kentico Xperience Page Builder mode of the current request.
This package contains the library for authentication and authorization against The package gives easy configurable options to integrate ZITADEL authentication with any web application or web API. Additionally, it functions as a ...
Date and Time Pickers for Blazor Server Projects
Date and Time Pickers for Blazor WebAssembly Projects
View helpers for Cassette.
Core functionality for AttributeRouting Web API packages.
Provides the ability to bind models using both ModelBinder and ValueProvider in ASP.NET Core.
.NET client for the Apereo Central Authentication Service (CAS)