Top 20 NuGet array Packages

A utility class for deserializing a json stream
A lightning-fast enumerator for arrays.
.NET Extensions and helpers for Core and Common .NET types
Provides extension methods for byte arrays such as converting to hexadecimal and comparing array contents.
Bit Array (bit-array) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Array Uniq (array-uniq) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Shuffle Array (shuffle-array) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Node Array Ext (node-array-ext) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Is Array (is-array) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Array Unique (array-unique) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Sort Array (sort-array) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
D3 Array (d3-array) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Ref Array (ref-array) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
LiteByteCapsule is a NuGet package to apply capsulation for byte arrays which is used for sending them over TCP IP protocol or socket.
Easy to use SIMD accelerated span and array methods Now each method in SimdOps is generic, instead of SimdOps<T>, i.e SimdOps.Abs<T>() instead of SimdOps<T>.Abs().
support multi session factory and mvc3.
Blitz++ is a (LGPLv3+) licensed meta-template library for array manipulation in C++ with a speed comparable to Fortran implementations, while preserving an object-oriented interface.
Enu is a fast array enumerator for .NET.
An F# Wrapper around the LibDivSufSort suffix array library. After installation you'll need to make sure your project is set to 64-bit, and you'll need to make divsufsort64.dll copy on build.
Fast deep or shallow copy(clone), generating MSIL on fly runtime code compilation.