Top 20 NuGet api Packages

update return type of NotifyCallerConnected. Now it will return waiter attribute values recieved in response instead of bool
RestHelper is a sleek and simple Wrapper library for providing simple access to Rest API, by hiding away the complexities of HTTPClient Class.It is particularly designed to work along with Xamarin PCL Projects
This package includes Windows.System.Display like APIs cross-platform such as: - DisplayRequest for providing a lock on the screen sleep period.
This package includes Windows.System.Power like APIs cross-platform such as: - PowerManager for providing access to information about a device's battery and power supply status.
A C# api wrapper for QuickBooks
Client and Contracts for Gravity API. FREE register at "" in order to be able to use Gravity API
HTTP API client, wraps System.Net.Http with handy helpers
A ReflectInsight for Facebook Messenger .NET Core.
Extensions and helper methods that make working with HttpClient easier as an API.
Use Fluent API to configure POCO excel behaviors, and then provides IEnumerable<T> save to and load from excel functionalities.
This library allows applications on the .NET platform to make http calls to REDCap instances.
A small .NET library to intercept controls on PS4 Remote Play for Windows
This library allows to retrieve financial data using Alpha Vantage API. The official page of Avapi.NET CORE is available at this link: The complete documentation of Avapi.NET CORE is available at this link: To star...
A .Net helper for Facebook's Graph API
A .NET client for the GDAX REST API
Sync and Async client library for communicating with the Pubg Developer API supporting .net standard 2.0
A tiny framework based on ASP.NET Core MVC for fast development of consistent RESTful APIs.
Knockout.js shared code for both server and code generation projects for IntelliTect.Coalesce
Vue.js code generation for IntelliTect.Coalesce
Shared API code generation for IntelliTect.Coalesce