Top 20 NuGet api Packages

GoogleAnalyticsTracker for NancyFx. GoogleAnalyticsTracker was created to have a means of tracking specific URL's directly from C#. For example, it enables you to log API calls to Google Analytics.
HttpClient Rest Client Extension Asp.Net Web Api 2.0 Helpers
Single Page Application template for create a solution from scratch
GoogleAnalyticsTracker was created to have a means of tracking specific URL's directly from C#. For example, it enables you to log API calls to Google Analytics.
Marvin.JsonPatch.Dynamic adds support for dynamically typed objects to Marvin.JsonPatch. Marvin.JsonPatch was built to work on staticly typed objects, which is great for most cases. Yet sometimes you'll want to create a patch document without having a static type to start from (for example: when in...
Noobot Toolkit gives you bonus middleware and plugins to use while developing your Noobot (Slack Bot).
A *SIGNED* library for consuming REST APIs from Portable Class Libraries (.NET 4.5, Silverlight 5, Windows Phone 8.x, and Windows 8.x). Designed to be partially drop-in compatible with RestSharp.
Wrapper for SecurionPay API
This package contains SharePoint Client Object Model libraries for SharePoint 2013 - May 2018 CU version
This package contains SharePoint Client Object Model libraries for SharePoint 2016 - May 2018 CU version
Provides a mechanism to process unhandled exception occured during a HTTP context and write custom API result message.
Portable class library for accessing the Dropbox v2 API specifically for Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS to fix a depedency issue with the standard package. Bumps the minimum version of Microsoft.Bcl.Build to v1.0.21 and adds .Net standard 2.0 version of the library
Extension package for Selenium API. Adds advanced and complicated Selenium actions into Selenium API. Allows bi-directional interaction with Selenium. This package will not affect any current Selenium implementations it will only add extension methods to Selenium API.
.NET Core compatiable C# Wrapper for QIWI Api. For bots and other stuff based on .NET Core and .NET Framework platforms.
This is a .NETStandard SDK library, used to communicate with the Xero API. See for more information
SDK for the LINE Messaging API for C#
Run your AppVeyor builds, locally.
C# services and models classes to Ecwid API v1 and v3
With this library you can control your HomeMatic system.
A simplistic and robust video game engine for .Net Windows Forms, based entirely on managed code and GDI+ graphics (authored in Visual Basic .Net).