Top 20 NuGet api Packages

The Exact Online Client SDK provides a rich application framework and simplifies the interconnection with the Exact Online RESTful API
Tatum.Net is a .Net wrapper for the Tatum API. It includes supports all endpoints
Program in C# . the exec prog uses the REST API end point : /rest/api/2/groupuserpicker?query=. It extracts all JIRA, users, groups, name, emailadress matching a specific string and parse them in a json file (Json formated) & in a text formated file. (Rest API from Jira Server platform REST API ...
PInvoke API (methods, structures and constants) imported from Windows WTSApi32.dll.
Hatena Bookmark Web API Client for C#
The exec program & the routine : GetUsersDetailFromGroup returns a list of objects (objects of type Group) List<GroupInfo> & write result to file (Json style) : List-Details-from-group-{0}.txt" & write result to file (text file) : List-accounts-from-group-{0}.txt" Details...
An unofficial .NET client for Liber Onlinebok.
.NET client for R6Stats API for data handling and data deserialization.
JSON converters package for Rhino API products line.
MADE.NET for ASP.NET Core MVC builds on features of ASP.NET Core MVC to provide additional MVC-specific functionality to improve your web applications.
RESTful API Documentation for ASP.NET Web API 2.
SphinxConnector.NET is a fully asynchronous .NET client API for the Sphinx full-text search engine and its fork Manticore Search. It provides a fluent query API with object mapping capabilities that allows for an easy integration of Sphinx into your applications. After the installation, SphinxConnec...
The official Stormpath SDK for .NET. Don't install this package directly; install the Stormpath.SDK package unless you are bringing your own JSON serializer and HTTP client plugins.
Deprecated. Use ServiceStack.Api.Swagger instead.
A .net standard implementation of the api
Twilio REST API helper library
Autumn.Mvc.Data is aspNet Core extension that will make it easier for you to write your REST Data Repository APIs. Its purpose is to convert a query in RSQL format to lamba expression and to provide a pagination mechanism. Install it and test it!
A package used to help digital services invoke MyDNVGL services
Core Web library for Arragro.