Top 20 NuGet android Packages

MapExtend for Xamarin.Forms is a plugin for Xamarin.Forms allowing users to draw routes, reveal nearby locations, distance between two points and place pins at certain addresses. ##ALPHA VERSION## Custom Icons - Android Work as Well. iOS Need test
Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - percent
This plugin makes it easy to register to Microsoft Azure Push Notifications from a Xamarin.Forms project and supports using Tags. The supported projects are: - Xamarin.Forms - Xamarin.Android - Windows Phone 8.1 RT - Windows Phone Silverlight - Windows Store 8 ...
Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - preference-leanback-v17
Android device shake detection.
Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - recommendation
Winnovative HTML to PDF Client for Xamarin can be easily integrated in Xamarin applications on various platforms to create PDF documents from HTML pages and strings. Before using the Winnovative HTML to PDF Client for Xamarin in your applications you first have to install the Winnovative Server. Th...
Android platform specific code
CrossPlatformLibrary.FodyTracingAspect is a plug-in for CrossPlatformLibrary's ITracer which allows to trace annotated methods. Simply apply the provided [TracingAspect] annotation and Fody will use your configured ITracer to trace enter/exit of method calls including the duration of the call....
Signed Xamarin Android Support Library - v7 GridLayout assemblies for Intersoft Crosslight.
Signed Xamarin Android Support Library - v7 MediaRouter assemblies for Intersoft Crosslight.
Signed Xamarin Android Support Library - v7 Palette assemblies for Intersoft Crosslight.
Signed Xamarin Android Support Library - v7 RecyclerView assemblies for Intersoft Crosslight.
Helpers for using MVVMLight with AppCompat Android projects
AdMob PlugIn for Xamarin.Forms.
A Plugin which facilitates (currently forward-only) incremental scrolling for a paged data source
Provides a sample implementation for consuming HTTP REST web services, including calling GET, POST, PUT and DELETE operations. It hides the complexity behind serializiing and deserializing entities/models and creating HTTP requests.