Top 20 NuGet Packages

MvxExtensions provide a set of libraries that extend the awesome MvvmCross framework. This package contains the 'Core' libraries of MvxExtensions with no dependencies to other MvxExtensions libraries. This package is intended to provide some of the MvxExtensions functionalities without f...
Binding library of Google Maps Utility Library for Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS
Package Description
Drop-in replacement for Xamarin.Auth package that uses AccountStore only
Xamarin bindings to the native iOS WebRTC SDK.
Xamarin bindings to the native Android WebRTC SDK.
MonoDroid Toolkit provides a bunch of utilities for Xamarin.Android including: Documentation and sample code at: -Image Loader and File Cachine -Holo Circular Progress Bar -Network Utils (mac, ip, etc) -Progres...
Binding library of v2.5.0
I18NPortable plugin to support json file formats
Xamarin Binding Library - Google::Flexbox
A Xamarin Android binding for Wdullaer Material Datetime Picker. Supports Android 4 (API 16) and greater. Includes a material design themable timepicker and datepicker
A "Lite" version of Xamarin.Android: MSBuild targets to configure a NetStandard library as a Xamarin.Forms app for Android. DISCLAIMER: I created this project during Microsoft's #HackWeek 2018. It is not "a real thing" or endorsed/supported by Xamarin/Microsoft. If you would like it to be "a real t...
Helpers and Utils to be used in a Xamarin.Android project. - LifecycleService
Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - gridlayout-v7
Portable AForge Fuzzy provides fuzzy logic functionality to the AForge.NET Framework on mobile and tablet devices.
Portable AForge Machine Learning contains machine learning functionality for the AForge.NET Framework on mobile and tablet devices.
Portable Accord Statistics contains statistical distributions and algorithms of the Accord.NET Framework on mobile and tablet devices.