Top 20 NuGet webapi Packages

WebApi.LinkHeader allows you to easily add HTTP Link headers to existing WebAPI endpoints.
Generates a C# proxy for communicating with ASP.NET MVC WebAPI Controllers
Generates description for data model and WebAPI Controllers
Generates a C# proxy for communicating to a RESTful Web Api that implements the WebApiProxy provider
Various cool things to make life easier for developing and testing ASP.Net Web API projects
WebApi.HttpOptions adds automatic handling for the HTTP OPTIONS verb and the Allow header.
This package contains classes for enabling Swagger definitions and UI to the Azure Mobile Apps .NET Server SDK. For more information, check out
WebApi.BasicAuth provides HTTP Basic Authentication with usernames and passwords stored in Web.config.
LancheProject api
This package allows developers to make requests upon a web api in which they can recieve back a JSon string, Stream, or dynamic object
Lambda Container is a lightweight Inversion of Control (IoC) container suitable for small to medium size .Net solutions. This packages provides a one-line integration with WebApi dependency resolver.
DbWebApi .Net Client Library.
An authrorize attribute that lets you use an array of roles or users rather than creating a comma-delimited string
C# Language Entities Oriented Database
API Validation support with FluentValidation for frameworks we use. Standard error response DTO.
Setup http client resources
A C# library to consume a Restful API from .NET
This library helps with adding client side certificate mappings to a Web API. It is most useful for developers using Azure Management API. In you WebApiConfig.cs add the following line: config.Filters.Add(new ClientCertificateAuthenticateFilter());
WebApi.RequestLogging allows you to easily add NLog-based request logging to Web API projects.
Library of common attributes for use in ASP.NET WebApi 2.0