Top 20 NuGet web Packages

Builds api endpoint information / documentation dynamically by reflecting over the controllers and actions
Yeoman is the scaffolding tool for creating modern webapps, which helps getting started and bootstrap your application with popular front-end tools and frameworks. It is comprised of three tools: yo (the scaffolding tool), grunt (the build tool) and bower (for package management).
Extension for Ninject providing integration with ASP.NET WebAPI 2 self host
Contains CodeMediaTypeFormatter to output the WebApi object on the Help page as CSharp or VB code and SyndicationMediaTypeFormatter to use syndication in WebApi. Also enables WebApi tracing capabilities
An implementation of HttpClient to shorthand WebApi requests and enabled common logging.
ASP.NET MVC extensions for RSFT - HtmlHelper extensions for RenderAction / RenderPartial that take feature config into account, Feature action filters + more
MVC utilities
Utilities and Conventions for Routing Services with NancyFX
ASP.NET MVC and HtmlTags integration. HTML controls builder.
Image API & processing for Azure Web Apps
GNaP dependency injection adapter for StructureMap container.
Easily hand out JSON Web Tokens using a REST API accepting username/password.
Small library for generating Open Graph meta tags
Provides common functionality for generic web applications.
A client API in ASP.NET and C# that can be used to interact with a-webshop. You can use this client API to create applications in ASP.NET that interacts with a-webshop. A quick start guide Create an administrator in a-webshop with a API role, there is three different roles (API Full Trust, API Medi...
This is the STRONG-NAMED version of the normal Postmark NuGet Package. Leave email delivery to the experts with this plugin to bring Postmark email services to your web application. Requires a Postmark account, which you can sign up for at If you don't n...
This package will contain the helper classes for the caracal framework
An open source ASP.NET Identity 2.x-compliant custom user store implementation to *Redis* using the fancy StackExchange.Redis library.