Top 20 NuGet visualstudio Packages

Currently includes a classifier, outlining and smart indent.
The Auth Helper tool enables NuGet clients to connect to Visual Studio Team Services Package Management NuGet feeds by acquiring and securely storing Personal Access Tokens for each VSTS package source in a nuget.config file.
The NuGet Bootstrapper provides a set of tools and scripts that makes it easy to set up a development environment that uses VSTS Package Management NuGet feeds. Much like the "Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt" makes it easy to interact with MSBuild, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.NuGet.Bo...
The NuGet Credential Provider enables NuGet.exe 3.3+ to connect to Visual Studio Team Services Package Management NuGet feeds. See the NuGet docs for more info:
NuGet package to automatically import an MSBuild targets file without manually editing your project files
This is the Windows Dump Manager to help developers capture dumps of any process. Call "Dumper.WriteDumpForProcess" method, passing the required parameters to it.
Simple continous integration library for Visual Studio Services from Microsoft
Discovers installed Visual Studio versions, their install and VSSDK directories.
Static code analyzer to detect common mistakes or potential issues on the C# code that uses Visual Studio Project System APIs.
Native query API for enumerating Visual Studio setup instances.
Managed query API for enumerating Visual Studio setup instances using embeddable interoperability types.
Starcounter Visual Studio extension wrapped up in a NuGet package. Use this version for Starcounter versions up until, and including, 2.3.x.
Amends the Visual Studio build process allowing each developer to work with their own settings in the web.config or app.config files.
Extensibility APIs for Open Folder in Visual Studio.