Top 20 NuGet validation Packages

Devshed Web Library
.NET 4.5 Data Annotation support for Nancy
Dirty Forms will alert a user when they attempt to leave a page without submitting a form they have entered data into. It alerts them in a modal popup box, and also falls back to the browser's default onBeforeUnload handler for events outside the scope of the document such as, but not limited to, pa...
API Validation support with FluentValidation for frameworks we use. Standard error response DTO.
LeadPipe.Net.Validation an easy-to-use validation attribute library and extension methods that build on Microsoft's data validation framework. It includes attributes you can place on class properties such as Required, NoTrailingWhitespace, Alpha, Alphanumeric, Minimum, MinimumLength, and lots more. ...
Dirty Forms will alert a user when they attempt to leave a page without submitting a form they have entered data into. It alerts them in a modal popup box, and also falls back to the browser's default onBeforeUnload handler for events outside the scope of the document such as, but not limited to, pa...
IMPORTANT: This package has been deprecated as it is legacy and is no longer maintained, it has been replaced by Yugen.Toolkit.Uwp.Controls
Version 3 client library package for email verification service powered by This package contains client service for real time email verification services. Find out more about enterprise grade email address validation and get a free trial license key at
Proeprty validators for non-supported functions by default and other additions.
Various ASP.NET Core MVC tag helpers for model properties, authorisation and validation.
A small validation library for WPF and Avalonia that uses a fluent interface and allows display messages near controls in GUI with MVVM
Validation attributes that enables an application to validate Swedish identities such as Personal Identity Number (svenskt personnummer) in ASP.NET Core.
fluent strong type validation
JSON Schema reader, generator and validator for .NET This is a temporary fork of the main project waiting on a pull-request
Supports Generic Model Validation.
System.ComponentModel.Annotations.Validation is a extension of System.ComponentModel validation engine. Supports validation of properties and invariants for object graphs.
**This package is a fork from** Package to help using Newton JsonSchema package to validate response models from an Integration test using RestFluencing.
Localized variations of the default DataAnnotation Attributes that allow your ErrorMessage to contain and resolve Localized macro expressions