Top 20 NuGet tracing Packages

OpenTracing shim for OpenTelemetry .NET
LogScope implements simple logging framework for tracing, profiling and logging methods and critical parts of the code. LogScope is not yet another logger. It is an extension of existing logging libraries that provides alternative way of logging and measuring a performance of critical parts of code....
Bundled Instana Tracing Libraries for .NET Core on Alpine Linux
Bundled profiler for Instana APM
ELMAH error logger for sending errors to from web frameworks built on ASP.NET (like MVC and Web API). This package does not include any ELMAH configuration. Please install one of the specialized NuGet packages like Elmah.Io.Mvc, Elmah.Io.WebApi etc.
Package Description
This is a Logger package build with .Net core 3.0, 2.2 and .net 4.7. It supports multiple targets as well as a number of logging levels. The class is implemented as a singleton. It is thread safe and optimized to not use locks.
CrossPlatformLibrary is an extensible cross-platform toolkit which provides a basic set of functionality used in most mobile apps such as bootstrapping, exception handling, tracing and UI dispatching.
Serilog decorator for ASP.NET Core and
log4net decorator for ASP.NET Core and
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging decorator for ASP.NET Core and
Auto-instrumentation dotnet global tool for Datadog APM
Package Description
Zipkin exporter for OpenCensus
PostSharp SDK allows for development of PostSharp add-ins using low-level APIs.
Colored console trace listener extension for System.Diagnostics, along with required config sections. Writes to the console output or error stream, using color to highlight event types and allowing a customised output format. Other Essential.Diagnostics packages extend the .NET Framework Syst...
Rolling file trace listener extension for System.Diagnostics, along with required config sections. Writes to a text file, rolling to a new file based on a filename template (usually including the date). Other Essential.Diagnostics packages extend the .NET Framework System.Diagnostics trace lo...
The Logging Application Block simplifies logging to various destinations (file, database, event log, MSMQ etc.) and tracing.
A C# client implementation for DataDog's APM solution.