Top 20 NuGet threading Packages

A strict, fast and mostly lock-free Software Transactional Memory (STM) for .NET
MrAdvice.MVVM is a lightweight MVVM library. It implements NotifyPropertyChanged, DependencyProperty (dependency and attached), A command binder and some threading management.
RavenDB job storage for Hangfire
ReusableTasks is a (nearly) zero allocation Task-like object for use when declaring async methods.
Set of small low level utilitarian classes: Retrier, ConcurrentObjectAccessor, SolidComPlus, AsyncDisposer, BoundedParallel, DataPipeline and DataReplicator
OpenShare.Net Threading Library. ConcurrentCache is a new in-memory cache system that is generically typed to IDictionary and is thread safe. Client Pool is generically typed and plays well with TPL (Task Parallel Library) for any disposable clients. See source code on Github by using the project ur...
WebBackgrounder.EntityFramework is an implementation of the IJobCoordinator for WebBackgrounder that uses a Database (via EF Code First) as the synchronization mechanism (aka a mutex) for coordinating jobs.
Background jobs and scheduled work for .NET.
Corlib-Reactive is a class-library containing many useful types missing from the .NET Framework, such as the EventLoopSchedulerSlim, extension methods expanding on Rx's ToTask for APM integration, as well as WaitHandle conversions to IObsevable<Unit>!
Utility library to simplify writing asynchronous code which supports .NET 3.5 and newer.
Utility library to simplify writing asynchronous code which supports .NET 3.5 and newer.
ThreadGun is a form of multithreading created for developers keen on building fast and stable application.
Class library for managing Tasks.
RavenDB job storage for Hangfire
CorLib is a class-library containing many useful types missing from the .NET Framework, such as Gate, AtomicUInt64, & EventLoopSchedulerSlim, and extension methods expanding on Rx's ToTask for APM integration, as well as WaitHandle conversions to IObsevable<Unit>!
Allows calling Invoke on the WPF Dispatcher object passing Action and Func<T> lambdas instead of the built-in Delegate untyped parameter.
Cadence.NET is a scheduling framework designed to handle timed, automated processes with ease and simplicity.
EasyActor.Pipeline is a lightweigth framework to create asynchroneous pipeline to transform information.
A small library containing helper classes for handling multithreading applications