Top 20 NuGet testing Packages

PetaTest - A tiny unit testing thing for your peace of mind PetaTest is tiny but powerful, embeddable, dependency free Unit Testing framework for .NET and Mono. Supplied as a single .cs file with no additional dependencies other than what's in the GAC.
Provides a simple .NET library and the win32 / win64 Redis binaries to ease local integration tests.
Simple Data classes for testing or tutorial applications. For example, class Person with some properties and class People (a set of Person). In this release added SampleData for Silvetlight app.
SimpleSpeedTester is a simple, easy to use framework that helps you speed test your .Net code by taking care some of the orchestration for you. It should NOT be confused with a performance profiler such as JetBrains' dotTrace or RedGate's ANTS profiler. The SimpleSpeedTester is intende...
A testable fake SMTP server
For a full description and getting started guide, please visit
Library of helpers for testing using the Moq mocking framework
AspNetInfo helps ASP.NET developers identify server compatibility and configuration settings. AspNetInfo will test connection strings, SMTP, and other settings. In addition it provides a quick glance at application, session, and server variables.
Testing helpers, incl.. Generic Builder to delegate instance creation for testing data using Mocks, Pocos or whatever Resource Finder, simplify getting hold of embedded resources in your tests Benchmark, time how long your code takes, run iterations or time-to-stop benchmarks
This package contains the ScriptSharp.Testing assembly which allows you to launch browsers and load pages using the QUnit testing framework while integrating with Visual Studio unit testing features in the IDE. In particular, Script# generates unit test classes and methods within a Script Libr...
Jasmine specification runner support for Cassette.
This is a .NET library that generates sets of test cases, for use by parameterised tests. Think of it as being a DSL for making 'object mothers', whose generated data can be used as test cases (or for any other purpose, for that matter). Each test case is built up progressively from smalle...
Client library for the slick test management web application.
rmocks is a JavaScript mocking framework designed especially for developers familiar with the Rhino Mocks .NET unit testing framework.
RSpec style BDD framework for Powershell. A cross between Pester, RSpec and Jasmine.
FSharpx is a library for the .NET platform implementing general functional constructs on top of the F# core library. Its main target is F# but it aims to be compatible with all .NET languages wherever possible. This library is for the .NET platform implementing a WMI type provider.
The Silverlight 5 Toolkit MSTest testing support package. Contains all the assemblies required to do unit testing for your Silverlight project. Packaged by Singulink ( as apparently no more love is being shown by Microsoft for Silverlight :(
A small server for stubbing external systems during development.
.NET extensions and helpers for MSTest.