Top 20 NuGet test Packages

Services ViewModel Composition Testing Infrastrucutre
Simple framework to write assertive unit tests
EasyMoq is a lightweight library for minimizing the mocking overhead of writing of tests.
Shared step definition file to load test API's.
Support Okapi report using NUnit TestContext
Support Okapi report using MSTest TestContext
This library contains the DgmlTestModel class which you can use to execute a DGML test model. The execution state is writen to a named pipe so that the DGML Test Monitor VSIX package can animate the progress during test execution.
C#/.Net building blocks supporting integration testing of concrete repository and unit of work implementations based on Ease.Repository. The abstract base classes provide a set of baseline tests as protected *_Impl(...) methods that you delegate to in trivial overrides. This provides the benefit of ...
C#/.Net building blocks supporting integration testing of concrete repository and unit of work implementations based on Ease.Repository.AzureTable. The abstract base classes provide a set of baseline tests as protected *_Impl(...) methods that you delegate to in trivial overrides. This provides the ...
Provides some helpers for integration test use.
A plugin for validating all of the dependencies of a given Castle.Windsor.IWindsorContainer.
The package can be used to record LoadTestTools results to Application Insights. To use, simply supply your instrumentation key: <appSettings><add key="Recorder.AppInsights.InstrumentationKey" value="your-instrumentation-key" /></appSettings>
仅为测试上传,后续会修改. A simple Test Client built on top of ASP.NET Web API Help Page.
TestAA is a simple library to support writing tests using Arrange-Act-Assert (AAA) pattern.
My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC Newtonsoft JSON components.