Top 20 NuGet sorting Packages

Sorting algorithms library built with .NET standard to use over arrays and enumerations.
This is the JollazApiQueries models package.
This is the JollazApiQueries core model package.
A Simple Utility Library Containing Comparison, DataStructures, Fraction, Graph, U/Int128, Matrix, Sorting and Vectors.
A Simple Utility Library Containing Comparison, DataStructures, Fraction, Graph, U/Int128, Matrix, Sorting and Vectors.
Framework to assist in sorting and paging a query with core entityframework.
Provides position codes based on letters to organize items in a collection. With this, you can organize and fluently move items up and down in collections.
Async paging and sorting for .net core & ef core made easy!
KendoGridFASM provides functionality for ASP.Net (MVC/Web API) to not only map the Data Source Request to C# DTO but also provides helper functionality that can be used to generate dynamic expressions for filtering, sorting and aggregation which again can be used to generate dynamic WHERE, ORDER BY ...
Sort, Filter and Paginate a standard dotnet Core MVC grid. Provides quick and easy TagHelpers that make adding sorting and filtering in table headers simple.
Vectorized Sorting for .NET
The best sorting algorithm
A fast implementation of topological sorting that supports stable sorting as well as breaking ties via ThenBy[Descending]
A lightweight sorting suite for IComparable types. Supports multiple sorting algorithms
SortExtensions is a set of IList extensions for sorting.